
Kelis Does VEVO Summer Sets!

Kelis is the latest artist to perform for VEVO Summer Sets - The NYC native gave one hell of a good show before hundred of fans - The set included 5 songs from her latest 'euphoric dance' album "Flesh Tone" (in stores worldwide since May), these were: "4th of July", "Acapella", "Brave", "Emancipate" and "Scream". Loved Kelis' voice, stage swagger and her whole outfit (+ wig). She looked hot. Out of the 5 performances, my favorite has got to be the "4th of July" one. The intro was brilliant and the chorus was just a complete "come on, let's dance, bitches!" moment. I'm sooo sad this whole "Flesh Tone" era was a flop, she had so many hits in that album. Can't believe how underrated she is nowadays. If you liked Kelis' perforamnces on VEVO's Summer Concert Series please go and get a copy of "Flesh Tone" ASAP.

By on September 17, 2010
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