
New Music: 5 Seconds of Summer - "Fly Away" [Premiere]

5sos fly away

The new 5 Seconds of Summer album “Sounds Good Feel Good” (in stores Oct. 23) will be up for digital pre-order starting midnight tonight (Aug. 13) – wherever you are local time – and to celebrate this milestone moment the Australian band is giving fans a brand new track called “Fly Away”. The pop/rock song, about seeking freedom, will be completely cost-free for those who pre-order the new album on iTunes.

Fly Away” was world premiered by Australian radio Nova 969 just hours before the track was released on iTunes. Lucky Australians! They got to hear it first!

Loving "She's Kinda Hot", and now obsessed with "Fly Away". 5SOS is coming hard this year! No doubt "Sounds Good Feel Good" will be their best album to date.

Hit or Miss??

By on August 13, 2015
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