
Gaga Premieres 'Born This Way' (Country Version)

Lady Gaga premiered at midnight her much-anticipated 'Born This Way (The Country Road Version)', the stripped-down version replaces Fernando Garibay's electronic elements from the original with a harmonic-driven production with a rock-ish touch to get that 'country music' feeling sound - I actually quite like it! And Gaga didn't only replace the original beat, but also introduced a new verse in the bridge "From London, Paris, Japan back to USA!". Good, good! I'm assuming The GaGa decided to release this special gift to fans this week as a celebration of her 'gay anthem' "Born This Way" reigning for a six consecutive week Billboard's Hot 100 chart. Still like the song, but I want to hear "Judas" like NOW!

By on March 25, 2011
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